Seastar Split Mackeral( per pound)

Regular price $6.99
In stock, 12 units
Seastar split mackerel is a delicious and healthy seafood option that is found in African and Caribbean cuisine. It is a type of cured fish that has been split open
Tags:Caribbean, Pickup, West indies
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    Seastar split mackerel is a delicious and healthy seafood option that is found in African and Caribbean cuisine. It is a type of cured fish that has been split open to remove all the bones, allowing for easier consumption. The mackerel is then marinated in a mixture of spices and herbs like garlic, thyme, and pepper. These flavorful seasonings add a unique kick to the fish and give it a distinct umami flavor that can be enjoyed as a snack or as part of a larger meal. In African and Caribbean cuisine, seastar split mackerel is commonly used as a topping for salads, stews, or rice dishes.

    Seastar split mackerel has a rich history that stretches back to ancient cultures where fish was a staple food. It was believed that the curing process helped preserve the fish and made it last longer, thus maximizing its nutritional value. Over time, the recipe and preparation methods for seastar split mackerel have evolved to include a variety of different herbs and spices. Today, it is a beloved dish in African and Caribbean cuisine and is enjoyed by people all over the world. Whether you are looking to add some variety to your diet or simply want to explore a delicious new culinary tradition, seastar split mackerel is a perfect choice.

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