Precious Hausa Koko (750g)

Regular price $8.49
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Precious Hausa Koko is a traditional porridge mix made with millet flour, cornmeal, and blended spices. This product is a staple in African and Caribbean cuisine, particularly in Ghana where
Collections:All Products, Pantry
Tags:Congo, Ghana, Pickup, Ship
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    Precious Hausa Koko is a traditional porridge mix made with millet flour, cornmeal, and blended spices. This product is a staple in African and Caribbean cuisine, particularly in Ghana where it originated. The Hausa people of Ghana have been making Koko for generations, often serving it for breakfast or as a mid-day snack. Along with its delicious taste, Koko is also known for its health benefits - it's high in fiber, protein, and essential vitamins and minerals.

    To prepare Precious Hausa Koko, simply mix the powder with water until it reaches a smooth consistency and then cook it over low heat until it thickens. The result is a warm, comforting porridge that can be enjoyed as is or with toppings like nuts, coconut, or honey. Koko is often served with fried or grilled seafood, making it a perfect addition for any seafood dish in your African and Caribbean cooking. Add this traditional porridge mix to your pantry and enjoy the unique flavors of African and Caribbean cuisine!

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