Golden Morn (900g)

Regular price $15.99
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Golden Morn is a delicious and nutritious breakfast cereal that has been enjoyed in many African and Caribbean households for decades. Made from corn, millet, and sorghum, this cereal is
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Tags:Nigeria, Pickup, Ship
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    Golden Morn is a delicious and nutritious breakfast cereal that has been enjoyed in many African and Caribbean households for decades. Made from corn, millet, and sorghum, this cereal is not only rich in flavor but also packed with essential nutrients needed for a healthy start to your day. The unique blend of grains used in Golden Morn contains proteins, carbohydrates, fibers, and a combination of vitamins and minerals that can help keep you energized and satisfied until lunchtime.

    Golden Morn is easy to prepare and can be enjoyed in various ways - as a hot porridge, cold cereal, or even as a snack. Plus, it's perfect for the whole family! If you're looking for a tasty and wholesome breakfast option that's rich in African and Caribbean culinary traditions, then Golden Morn is the way to go. Add it to your grocery cart and try it out for yourself!

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