Ghana Calabar Chalk/Nzu (29 oz)

Regular price $1.19
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Ghana Calabar Chalk is a unique and highly sought after product that can add a distinctive flavor to your meals while also providing a host of health benefits. Culturally significant,
Tags:Pickup, Ship, West africa
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    Ghana Calabar Chalk is a unique and highly sought after product that can add a distinctive flavor to your meals while also providing a host of health benefits. Culturally significant, this natural product is treasured by African and Caribbean communities for its medicinal properties.

    This chalk is known for its high content of calcium carbonate and other minerals that are essential for good health. It can be used to help alleviate a variety of ailments such as indigestion, nausea, and constipation. Moreover, this natural product is rich in antioxidants, which can help to reduce inflammation, promote healthy skin, and improve overall well-being.

    Whether you are looking to add a distinctive taste to your cooking or take advantage of the many health benefits, Ghana Calabar Chalk is a great addition to your grocery list. It is a versatile product that is easy to use, and its many health benefits make it a must-have item for anyone who is committed to living a healthy lifestyle naturally. Try Ghana Calabar Chalk today and experience the many benefits that this natural product has to offer!

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